Dragon Wing Chun            ~  January 23, 2012 Chinese New Year of the Dragon James Fell

News From The Dragon ~

January 22, 2017


Hello all Si-Dai and Si-Mui (Junior Kung Fu Brothers and Sisters),

This Saturday we had a great class at the Grapevine REC center even though we had three students out. One student had a birthday, Happy Birthday Si-Dai, one student went to a funeral, and the other was moving.

At the beginning of class we do the Kung Fu Please and Thank you salute, Then the Siu Lim Tao. For that day, I went over the each of the Siu Lim Tao battle applications in detail.

Then we practiced on the Baat Chaam Doe (butterfly swords) and the Luk Dim Boon Gwan (staff) battle applications.

After that we practiced on trapping techniques which is the focus of the curriculum of this quarter.

At the end of class we we do the Kung Fu Please and Thank you salute.

Great news!

I visited with the director of the Grapevine REC center on Friday to talk about new additional classes for The Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu Chinese Martial Arts School.

I have cleared all the hurtles and made all the arrangements at the REC center and the director to be officially recognized as a school of martial arts holding classes inside the REC center.

The "Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu Chinese Martial Arts School".

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To all non students who would want to start evening classes during the weekday.

You do not need to be a member of the Grapevine REC center.

To all current students who want additional classes during the weekday evenings after school or after work.

You will now be able to advance your class hours sooner, which will enable you to get your certificates, take your tests, and get your belt rankings sooner.

Our Black Belt Course curriculum and Black Belt ranking requires 504 hours of instructional learning, from a combination of class time hours, private lesson hours, and seminar hours.

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We are currently using the only classroom on the ground floor and it is available for Tuesday evenings.

There is a possibility of Wednesday classes in other classrooms on the second floor.

We are still in a state of flux so here are the possibilities.

Tuesday or Wednesday and 5:30,6:00,6:30,or 7:00 pm, 1 hour or 2 hours depending on student group decision and myself.

I have received comments from existing students that the 6:30pm to 8:30pm time frame is best and desired since some students get off work at 6pm and some require more time to get to the REC center.

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The time is coming very soon.

Plan on registering in mid Feb. for evening classes to start in March.

If Tuesday evenings are decided then Tuesday Feb. 28th will be a FREE class.

If Wednesday evenings are decided on then Wed. March 1 will be the first official class of March.

I would like to hear from non students and existing students.

Please let me know if you plan to start the evening class and if the Tuesday 6:30pm to 8:30pm day and time is doable for you.

We need at least 3 people for a long term commitment to open/start any class day/time frame.

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If you have not read the 3 previous emails this month please do so by following the links below.





Dragon James Fell   ~/~   817 909 3310   ~/~   DragonJamesFell@DragonWingChun.com