Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School

January 23, 2012 Chinese New Year of the Dragon, James Fell

Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School

817 909 3310

News From The Dragon ~

July, August, September, October 2024

School Curriculum ...

Chin Na, Joint Locks, Holds, and Throws
Understanding different Attacks and Responses
Northern Yang Style, Tai Ji Quan, Martial Applications, Shaolin Chin Na, techniques and applications, and a 15 step common lock flow with applications

Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Theory and Philosophy
Understanding different Attacks and Responses
Single person attack and defend, Multiple person attack and defend, One Inch Punch, Speed, Power, Center Line, Simplified Attack, Straight Line Point A to B shortest distance applications

Siu Lim Tao, Chum Kiu, Biu Tse, Forms and Applications
Understanding different Attacks and Responses
Openings and sections of each form, their meanings and techniques, additional techniques and purpose beyond the form structor, fighting applications based on techniques and movements

Muk Yan Chong, Form and Applications
Understanding different Attacks and Responses
8 sections, 116 techniques, additional 40 techniques, fighting applications based on techniques, footwork, openings and closings of sections, wrists, elbows and forearms positions

Students ...

Every year we get new students at different levels that come into the school. Regardless of level, all students are taught the same material, but in a way that each student can handle the material. Most students really want to learn and stay for the long term. Currently, we have students who have been with over a year and up to over 9 years. Our students may earn a certification every 6 to 12 months depending on elegibility. We have had students earn several different levels up to the master instructor certification. Students may also earn certifications in the Wooden Dummy and Weapons and forms Muk Yan Chong Fa, Baat Chaam Do Fa, Lok Dim Boon Gwan Fa.

Seminars / Outtings ...

About every 3 months we have a seminar or outting. We soon as the weather gets cool/warm enough, we will have our next FREE seminar. Our seminars and outtings are always FREE. We always have free food like grilled burgers, chicken, and brats. Everyone brings whatever they want, or something to eat or drink if they want too. Twice a year the seminars will be on the Wing Chun sword and spear applications, and the Baat Chaam Do Fa and Lok Dim Boon Gwan basic and advanced forms. Sword to Sword and Sword to Spear and Spear to Spear applications.

Sifu James Fell


Wing Chun ClassesWing Chun Classes