Wing Chun School Wing Chun Classes Wing Chun Classes

Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School
Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School

Chinese Martial Arts

817 909 3310



The Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School provides Kung Fu and other martial arts classes for the purpose of maintaining phyical fitness and self defense by a certified martial arts instructor for training, testing, certifications and ranking in the martial arts, year round, in the city of Grapevine, Texas, 76051.






Looking for Full Time Adults
Enter our Discipleship Program
Attend 3 Times a Week
Become a Black Sash Instructor









Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School

Dragon Mountain Wing Chun

Dragon Mountain Wing Chun
Dragon Mountain Wing Chun
Long Saan Wing Chun
Sifu Long Saan


Open 7 days a week

Monday thru Sunday - 7am thru 10pm

In-Person and Online Training

New Class Days/Times are available


Group Class Rates

$60 a month - attend class 1 time a week

$90 a month - attend class 2 times a week

$120 a month - attend class 3 times a week

Group Morning Classes

Tuesday and Friday
10:30am to 12pm

8am to 9:30am


Group Evening Classes

Monday Wednesday Friday
7pm to 8:30pm

Private Training Rates

$60 an hour

6 hour/lesson special $330

12 hour/lesson with Certificate $600


Chinese Martial Arts based on the fighting styles of Bruce Lee and his teacher Ip Man,
Jiu Wan and Yang Jwing Ming.


Southern Style Internal In Fighting Wing Chun Chin Na Kung Fu
- by Jiu Wan and Ip Man Lineage

Northern Yang Style Tai Ji Quan Martial Applications Shaolin Chin Na Kung Fu
- by Yang Jwing Ming Lineage

Jun Fan Gung Fu and Jeet Kune Do
- by Lee Jun Fan ( Bruce Lee )


Wing Chun Training, Testing and Ranking Certifications

Wing Chun, Chin Na, Jeet Kune Do, Kung Fu Curriculum :

The Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School curriculum is a repeating cycle of 7 different classes.

Class 1. Lee Jun Fan Gung Fu, Jeet Kune Do, Theory and Philosophy

Understanding Attacks and Responses
Single person attack and defend, Multiple person attack and defend, One Inch Punch, Speed, Power, Center Line, Simplified Attack, Straight Line Point A to B shortest distance applications

Class 2. Siu Lim Tao, Chum Kiu, Biu Tse, Forms and Applications

Understanding Attacks and Responses
Openings and sections of each form, their meanings and techniques, additional techniques and purpose beyond the form structor, fighting applications based on techniques and movements

Class 3. Muk Yan Chong, Form and Applications

Understanding Attacks and Responses
8 sections, 116 techniques, additional 40 techniques, fighting applications based on techniques, footwork, openings and closings of sections, wrists, elbows and forearms positions

Class4. Energies, Fon Sao, Trapping, Bridges

Understanding Attacks and Responses
left, right, center, foreward, backward, static, moving, turning, angles, close to body, far from body, medium range, body positioning, stepping forward and backward, and side to side

Class 5. Chi Sao, Drills, Sparring

Understanding Attacks and Responses
Dan Chi Sao, changing hand and wrist control, moving the horse, responding to energy, Shoung Chi Sao, Poon Sao, Luk Sao, Sticky Hands, Pac Sao Drills, Lap Sao Drills, Sparring drills, sensitivity, controlling body movement and deflection, stance, foot positions, high and low gates, body positions, feet, legs, knee strikes

Class 6. Gates, Strike, Control, Break

Understanding Attacks and Responses
Wing Chun strikes with follow ups and applications, Southern Style Chin Na, and a 15 step common lock flow with applications areas of the body, striking positions, different types of strikes to and from different areas of the body, different types of attacks, controls to joints and bones, different movements

Class 7. Chin Na, Joint Locks, Holds, and Throws

Understanding Attacks and Responses
Northern Yang Style, Tai Ji Quan, Martial Applications, Shaolin Chin Na, techniques and applications, and a 15 step common lock flow with applications.


All these forms are practiced during each cycle

Siu Lim Tao - 1st Form
Chum Kiu - 2nd Form
Biu Tse - 3rd Form
Lok Dim Boon Gwan - Spear Form
Baat Jaam Dao - Sword Form
Muk Yan Chong - Wooden Dummy Form

All these applications are practiced during each cycle

Siu Lim Tao applications
Chum Kiu applications
Biu Tse applications
Muk Yan Chong applications
Lok Dim Boon Gwan applications
Baat Chaam Dao applications
Southern Chin Na applications
Northern Chin Na applications

Southern Gung Fu JKD applications


The Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School Disciplship Program

#1. Wing Chun Black Sash Instructor Ranking Certification

#2. Student is required to attend all classes for all Long Saan Wing Chun forms and applications in order to ensure proficiecy in all the techniques and applications of the full Long Saan Wing Chun course curriculum.

#3. All 6 tests for the 6 ranks must be passed and the student must demonstrate that they have the ability to execute all the techniques and applications of the full Long Saan Wing Chun course curriculum.

#4. Student is required to have accumulated at least 600 hours for black sash certification.

#5. Instructor certifications are based on student ability to remember, teach, and perform the techniques and applications of the full Dragon Mountain Wing Chun system, as taught by the head instructor, Sifu Long Saan / Dragon James Fell / Drage Fjell, at the Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School.

#6. Student must have accumulated at least 800 hours in class room teaching, or on location, and under direction of the head instructor, Sifu Long Saan / Dragon James Fell / Drage Fjell.


Instructor certifications are given at the full discretion of the head instructor, Sifu Long Saan / Dragon James Fell / Drage Fjell.

All testing and ranking certifications will be performed by the head instructor, Sifu Long Saan / Dragon James Fell / Drage Fjell.

The head instructor, Sifu Long Saan / Dragon James Fell / Drage Fjell, has the right to determine whether a disciple or student has fulfilled all the requirements, and to determine if any rank has been earned and should be awarded.

I prepare my students so that when the time comes, they are mentally prepared and in the proper mental state to overcome any overwhelming odds.

This is done through teaching enlightenment, increasing knowledge in the art and techniques, practicing applications and care for the body, uplifting the spirit and heart, and expanding the imagination.


A Chinese Martial Arts Master

1. The Chinese Martial Arts Master must demonstrate that they have the ability to Wei Wu Wei all the techniques and applications of the full Chinese Martial Art.

2. The Chinese Martial Arts Master must demonstrate that they have acquired increased elavated levels in their Imagination, Spirit, and Knowledge.

3. The Chinese Martial Arts Master must demonstrate that they have acquired increased elavated levels in their Positive Thinking, Enlightenment, Confidence, and Power.

4. The Chinese Martial Arts Master must demonstrate that they have acquired increased elavated levels in their understanding, values and respect of the Chinese Culture, and the Chinese Martial Art.

5. The Chinese Martial Arts Master must demonstrate that they have acquired increased elavated levels in the understanding of the Ermei/Emie 6 core elements and the 12 sub elements, and the Emei 12 Zhuang.

6. The Chinese Martial Arts Master must demonstrate that they have acquired increased elavated levels in the understanding of common sense battle tactics, advanced combat fighting tactics, Chinese empty handed fighting tactics and Chinese weapons fighting tactics.

Our Qwoon
Heated and Air Conditioned
Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School

Our Training Forest
The Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School provides classes for training,


Public Meetups, Seminars and Demonstrations
Grapevine Heritage Park
200 Ball Street - Grapevine, TX 76051 (map)
The Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School provides classes for training,


The Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School provides classes for training,

Sifu Francis Fong and Guru Dan Inosanto
at the 2 day Calgary Legends Camp

The Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School provides classes for training,

Guru Dan Inosanto and Sifu Francis Fong
at the 2 day Canada Legends Camp


The Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School provides classes for training,

Guru Dan Inosanto and Dragon James Fell
with students from the Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School.


The Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School provides classes for training,

Sifu Francis Fong and Dragon James Fell
with students from the Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School.


Francis Fong

Sifu Francis Fong and Dragon James Fell
at the Francis Fong Instructor Association.

The Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School provides classes for training,

Sifu Francis Fong and Dragon James Fell
at the Francis Fong Instructor Association.


Legal Notice :

"Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School" is the registered business name DBA ( doing business as ), in Tarrant County, Texas, of the owner and sole proprietor James Fell

"Dragon Wing Chun" is a registered trademark with the U. S. patent office, owned by James Fell

Instructor / Teacher/ Sifu / Dragon James Fell, Drage Fjell, Sifu Long Saan
Wing Chun Kung Fu - Certified Instructor
Kali Eskrima - Certified Instructor
Saber and Long Sword - Certified Instructor

January 23, 2012
Chinese New Year of the Dragon, James Fell / Sifu Long Saan / Drage Fjell


817 909 3310


Dragon Wing Chun®


Dragon Mountain Wing Chun

The Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School provides classes for training,

Dragon Mountain Wing Chun
Long Saan Wing Chun
Sifu Long Saan


Dragon Wing Chun Chinese Kung Fu Martial Arts

Wing Chun Kung Fu School Drage Fjell Art Of Defense DFW Dallas Fort Worth